Understanding Performance Management

This course addresses when to performance manage your employees and how to do so, as well as common pitfalls and barriers to good performance management. We will cover the elements of performance management as well as which steps are appropriate based on  whether employee conduct is culpable or non-culpable. Probationary employees and hybrid scenarios will also be discussed.

Understanding the Disciplinary Process

This course is designed to provide Managers and HR Professionals with an understanding of the disciplinary process in the workplace. The course covers the concept of just cause, the evidence required for an employer to prove just cause, progressive discipline, the standard of unsuitability for probationary employees, as well as an overview of specific employment related offences.

Conducting Effective Investigations

This course is designed to provide Managers and HR Professionals with a structure to conduct Employee investigations in their workplace. The course covers evidence gathering, preservation and use, and concludes by bringing the investigatory process together in the most commonly used investigatory tool – the Investigatory Interview. 

Discrimination and the Duty to Accommodate

Navigating human rights can be one of the most challenging issues faced by Employers, especially as the law continues to evolve and be shaped case by case. In this course, we will guide you through the fundamentals of workplace human rights, from understanding the rights and obligations arising under the BC Human Rights Code to best practices for approaching and facilitating the duty to accommodate.

Understanding Joint Relations

This course explores two processes in the collective agreement that build an effective working relationship at all levels in an organization. We will cover what labour management committees are and why they are important and will then discuss the grievance procedure and how to handle grievances. Further understanding of these processes will be gained by looking at two case studies.


This course explores the elements of Attendance Management Programs and guides managers on how to:  establish (or update) a Program and understand its essential elements, establish appropriate policies and roll them out, have discussions with employees to encourage improvement in attendance levels, and navigate human rights and disciplinary situations that may emerge in the course of implementing the Program. 

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policies

In today’s rapidly changing world, organizations are recognizing the importance of fostering diverse, equitable, and inclusive environments. This course explores various aspects of diversity, equity and inclusion policies, from legal considerations, to components, and an exploration of the benefits and challenges with implementing such policies.

Join today for access to these courses and more!